a message from our founder
The concept for Saving Grace Village emerged after I was doing some soul searching in 2010 about how I could serve others in need. At that time, I had personally observed the difference love and stability can make to an adolescent girl, especially when she is headed down the wrong path. The transition to adulthood can be difficult, and having supportive adults in your life can make all the difference.
Saving Grace Village serves girls ages 12-14, addressing universal needs such as belonging, acceptance and respect. Our mission is to empower girls to discover their gifts in a safe, nurturing and creative environment. We offer three-day retreats where our guest participate in a variety of activities to see what inspires them and brings them joy. Our commitment is to encourage them and listen without judging. Our vision is to expand our program so we can reach as many girls as possible.
Kara Heupel, Founder